How To Call With Private Number On Mtn

How To Call With Private Number On Mtn?

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By Askpedia Team

When making telephone calls on the MTN mobile network in South Africa, you may sometimes want to conceal or mask your phone number for various reasons. Whether you are whistleblowing, contributing anonymously to a sensitive matter, or simply prefer to maintain your privacy, there are methods available to hide your caller ID and make your number private on MTN.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore different techniques that you can utilize to cloak your number when making calls on the MTN network. We will also discuss the potential reasons why someone might want to anonymize their number and provide some tips and precautions to consider when using this feature.

Why Conceal Your Mobile Number?

There are numerous reasons why individuals or organizations might choose to hide their caller ID when making calls on the MTN network. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Privacy Protection: By obscuring your mobile number, you can safeguard your personal information and prevent unsolicited calls or messages from unwanted parties.
  • Whistleblowing: If you need to report sensitive information or reveal wrongdoings, concealing your caller ID can help protect your identity and ensure your safety.
  • Anonymous Contributions: In certain situations, you may wish to contribute to a sensitive matter anonymously, and hiding your number can facilitate this process.
  • Harassment Prevention: If you’ve been a victim of harassment or stalking, masking your caller ID can make it more challenging for the perpetrator to continue their unwanted behavior.
  • Business Confidentiality: Some professionals in the business world may prefer to conceal their personal mobile numbers when communicating with clients or customers, ensuring a clear separation between professional and personal domains.

Methods To Call With Private Number On Mtn

Method 1: Using the #31# Code

One of the simplest methods to hide your caller ID on the MTN network is by dialing the code #31# before the number you wish to call. This technique allows you to temporarily conceal your number for specific calls without affecting your default settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your phone’s dialer.
  2. Enter #31# followed by the number you want to call.
  3. Press the call button to initiate the call with your number hidden.

For example, if you want to call 0838484848 without revealing your mobile number, you would dial #31#0838484848.

It’s important to note that this method only masks your caller ID for individual calls, and you’ll need to repeat the process by dialing #31# before each call you want to make anonymously.

Method 2: Adjusting Phone Settings

If you prefer to conceal your caller ID for all outgoing calls from your MTN number, you can adjust the settings on your mobile device. The specific steps may vary depending on your phone’s operating system (OS) and version, but here are some general guidelines:


  1. Open your phone’s caller app.
  2. Locate the settings menu, often represented by three dots or a gear icon.
  3. Look for an option labeled “Hide Caller ID,” “Show My Caller ID,” or a similar variant.
  4. Toggle the setting to enable the concealment of your mobile number.


  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Phone.”
  3. Locate the “Show My Caller ID” option.
  4. Toggle the switch to hide your caller ID for all outgoing calls.

If you encounter any difficulties locating the appropriate settings, consult your device’s user manual or contact the manufacturer’s support for specific instructions.

Method 3: Third-Party Apps

In addition to the built-in methods provided by MTN, you can leverage third-party applications to conceal your caller ID. These apps often offer additional features and flexibility for managing your mobile number’s visibility. Some popular options include:

  • Hushed: Allows you to create multiple temporary phone numbers and choose to display or hide your number when making calls.
  • Burner: Provides disposable phone numbers that you can use for specific tasks, ensuring your primary number remains hidden.
  • Sideline: Offers a secondary phone number for your smartphone, giving you the option to hide your main number when making calls.
  • Line2: Provides an additional phone number for business or personal use, with the ability to conceal your number during calls.
  • TextMe Up: Offers a free phone number that you can use for calling and texting while keeping your primary number private.

Before using any third-party app, ensure that your network provider supports its use and review any potential limitations or restrictions. Additionally, consider using a temporary phone number for added privacy when necessary.

Tips and Precautions

While concealing your caller ID on the MTN network can be advantageous, it’s essential to exercise caution and follow these tips:

  1. Verify Network Support: Confirm that MTN supports the feature of hiding your caller ID before attempting to use it.
  2. Understand Limitations: Be aware that some recipients may have settings that block calls from hidden numbers or choose not to answer calls from unknown or private numbers.
  3. Use Selectively: Consider using the feature selectively, as there may be instances where displaying your caller ID is necessary, such as when calling emergency services or important contacts.
  4. Exercise Caution: When receiving calls from hidden numbers, exercise caution as they may originate from unknown or potentially suspicious sources. Always prioritize your safety and verify the caller’s identity before sharing personal information.

By following these guidelines and leveraging the appropriate methods, you can effectively conceal your caller ID on the MTN network, ensuring enhanced privacy and security for your mobile communications.

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