How To Get Rid Of Parktown Prawns

How To Get Rid Of Parktown Prawns?

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By Askpedia Team

If you’re a gardener or farmer in South Africa, you’ve likely encountered the Parktown prawn – a large, invasive insect that can wreak havoc on your plants and crops. These dark brown creatures, also known as giant black crickets, are native to the country and were first discovered causing trouble in Johannesburg’s Parktown suburb, lending them their name.

Reaching up to 8 cm in length with reddish-orange legs, Parktown prawns are more than just a nuisance – they’re a serious pest. Their voracious appetites for vegetation mean they can rapidly devastate gardens, farms, and nurseries if left unchecked. Adding to the problem, females lay hundreds of eggs at a time that hatch into larvae within weeks, allowing populations to explode quickly.

How can you rid yourself of Parktown Prawns?

While getting rid of an established Parktown prawn infestation requires diligence, there are effective methods to regain control over your outdoor spaces.

Chemical Control

One of the most powerful tools against Parktown prawns are chemical insecticides containing pyrethroids or carbamates. These pesticides pack a lethal punch to the prawns but should always be used with caution per label instructions to avoid causing harm to other organisms.

When applying chemicals, target areas where prawns nest and lay eggs such as under rocks, logs, debris or thick mulch layers. Spray in the evenings when the nocturnal pests are most active. Multiple treatments may be required to eliminate all life stages.

Natural & Biological Control

For those looking to avoid synthetic pesticides, certain natural and biological controls can help manage Parktown prawns:

  • Introduce natural predators like birds, lizards or frogs into garden areas
  • Apply beneficial nematodes that will parasitize and kill prawn larvae in the soil
  • Set up traps using lights or fermenting fruit to capture and remove adults
  • Manually remove prawns, eggs, and nesting areas like excessive mulch
  • Encourage bacteria or fungi that naturally pathogens of Parktown prawns

An integrated approach combining multiple natural controls tends to be most effective.

Prevention Tips

The easiest way to avoid dealing with Parktown prawns is to select pest-resistant plants, maintain clean gardens free of excessive mulch or debris, and quickly remove any prawns you spot before they multiply. Becoming familiar with this invasive species’ life cycle can also help time prevention and elimination efforts.

While large and intimidating, Parktown prawns don’t have to overrun your South African garden or farm. With some diligent control measures and persistence, you can reclaim your outdoor spaces from these voracious pests. Early detection and rapid response are key to effective and affordable management.

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